We are creating autonomous companies

so that people can reach their potential

We teach robots to communicate, act and make decisions,

to automate "end-to-end" processes

and enable them to grow.

All critical processes are based on communication

and therefore processes must be automated "end-to-end".

To achieve this, we combine automation with conversational AI

we gain insights from unstructured data

and we're teaching robots to make smart decisions.

Platform for "end-to-end" process automation

Cognitive robots trained on company competencies

Orchestrator - asynchronous connection of systems, robots and AI components with humans

Works on less data

Built-in decision-making system

Enterprise architecture

Collects complete data needed for AI deployment

About product  ❯

We start where standard forms of automation end

We are creating digital businesses

We work with scientists

We won Microsoft AI Awards 2X

We teach robots self-reflection

About vision  ❯
Classic automation covers 80% of processes but saves people only 15% of the time. The real work still happens in the interactions between people and each other.
E2E automation engages robots that can interact with people, extract information from documents and emails, and so can automate not just partial tasks but entire processes.

How to automate business processes and when does AI come in?

Do you need to grow and increase the value of your company?
Do you want to create a digital business?
Contact us

Where X-Bot is already helping...

Take a look at our case studies

See X-Bot
in action

Automation of "end-to-end" business processes

Percentage of automation will increase from 15% to 90%
The foundation of autonomous companies
A non-invasive solution that connects to your IS
It also works on less data
It orchestrates processes and connects robots, systems and people into a unified whole
Enables you to grow and create a digital business
Libor Bešenyi
Co-CEO Xolution
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Before you contact us, you should know:

WARNING, we are cyber rebels!

1 x
Innovator of the Year
2 x
Microsoft Awards winner
satisfied customers
We're members of
Innovation platform for breakthrough ideas.

Learn more about intelligent automation

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Štefánikova 20, Košice

Na Strži 2102/61a, Praha

IČO: 36 205 338


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